2010년 5월 30일 일요일

IS Assignment] What are ISSUES TO GOOGLE

In 2003 when I studied in the graduate school, I met GOOGLE at first. I liked GOOGLE as it teaches where I can get information I want, no matter it is old paper or recent research result. What kinds of issues is GOOGLE I've liked meeting?

1. Censorship
Censorship by Google refers to Google Inc.'s removal or omission of information from its services or subsidiary companies such as YouTube, in ordert o comply with its company policies, legal demands, or various government censorship laws*. This censorship by Google have two controversal points. One is this censorship can violate the right to be informed. The other is Google can lose their market when the agreement on information cersorship doesn't reach between Google and some governments such as China.

2. The future of PPC Advertising
AdWords is Google's flagship advertising product and main source of revenue**. AdWords offers Pay-Per-Click(PPC) advertisment. In other words, Google's main revenue is generated through PPC. Nowadays, it is rising the question on advertisement effect of PPC. The main question is about the conversion ratio, visitor-buyer conversion ratio. In fact, there is nothing to prove that it is even average***. In order to increase the advertisement effect, internet advertising system will evolve from PPC to Paying CPA(cost per action) or Pay-Per-Call. Google's revenue might go down in these new system.

3. The success of Foursquare
In 2005, Google acquired Dodgeball, precursor of Foursquare. However, Dennis and Alex, Dodgeball confounder, left Google in 2009, saying Google wasn't supporting dodgeball the way we expected and Google didn't believe dodgeball was worth engineering resources. Foursquare is growing exponentially in 2010. What does Google in this process show? Google always needs a new business model in order not to become Microsoft of today. Brokeup with Dedgeball makes me have a doubt about Google's future.


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